Tuesday, February 20, 2007


As a recent purchaser of a Chia Elephant (elephants are old school alt, horses are the more recent alt animal), I am blown away by just how alt britney is. I mean, seriously , who knew? I'm going to listen to ...Baby One More Time on repeat for the rest of the day. YEAH BOI!!

Here's a great Justice Edit of Me Against the World. Britney Spears...So Fucking Alt! Courtesy of Palms Out Sounds (one of my favorites!)

Britney Spears- Me Against the World (Justice Edit)


KeithHopkin said...

Damn. This IS pretty ALT! Did you notice how Justin Timberlake somehow became ALT in the last few years? I was at this place Riffiffi in New York and they started playing a JT song and everyone went crazy. I don't get it. Didn't ALTs make fun of NSYNC? I mean they were a cheesy boy band...but.. wait........ ALT!

Anonymous said...

her hair is green!!! So ALT! right?