Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Justin Timberalt!!

Which of these videos is more ALT....you decide! After a final vote tally (coming from the comments left below), a winner will be crowned! Let the battle begin!

Sexy Back (Granny Cart Remix!!)

Sexy Back (Granny Cart remix) on Vimeo

Sexy Back (Zune Cart Remix featuring Whiney LESALT!!)


Anonymous said...

Its hard. I mean, both of them are so ALT.

Like the WHINY LESALT is like the dude that buys a $1,000,000 apartment on Ludlow because he thinks its the ALTEST spot on earth.

Hello? Have you not heard of WILLIAMCORGANSSBURG? on the VED-ford stop of the L, for altimate alt-ness????!!!!

Granted, the L.E.S. was home to many a great moment in the annals of Alt-dom-- like The Strokes.

However, any douchebag that can afford to live there in 2007 as well as COMPLAIN that it's "noisy" on a Saturday night (i mean, wasn't NIRVANA noisy?) while blaming a large corporation for his poor quality of life, really takes the cake in terms of ALT-ness.

I therefore vote for whiny LES-ALT.


Anonymous said...

whiney LESALT fo sho

Anonymous said...

good arguments for sure! I agree granny carts are for total wusses...would you ever catch Krist Novoselic pushing one of those things? Nope.

Chris and Kim said...

That shopping cart brings sexy back, like whoa! Let's hang out soon! We miss all of you guys!